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Patent registration India brings you with wide range of patent services comprised of patent filing, patent drafting, patent protection, patent watch and many more. Our legal firm comprised of long team of patent attorneys and business lawyers those who are well capable and skilled to handle any of the complex patent matter. While serving the corporate world since 5 years, we have gained a lot in terms of goodwill and reputation. At present we serve a long list of varied clients from all across the world.

Below are the points that define the concept of our offered services
  • In the process of paten registration all needed documents submit to concern authority.
  • In the management of conflicts between shareholders, labor disputes, commercial litigation too resolved.
  • In the current business that is contracts, negotiations and advice, legal follow.
  • On the occasion of exceptional operations comprised of capital increase, equity, shareholders
  • During growth likewise international development, creation of subsidiaries, corporate takeovers
  • Besides IPR services, many other corporate law segments resolved like LLP, NGO, merger and acquisition, FCRA, company incorporation, new business formation.
  • In risk management where we assist in delegation, industrial and occupational hazards.

Our legal firm of patent registration India work all around the world while serving the clients of all types. We have cordial relations and affiliations with personnel working with European Patent Office, Organization of Intellectual Property, International Office at the World and many more authorative organizations being working for patent. Here, we too appreciate and thanks to our supportive colleagues and lawyers who work with us as a team that makes us able to commit best and quality services to all types of legal issues.

Therefore, if you are looking to avail any of the business law services in India then just do us contact at the mentioned below address.

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