Patent Registration in Chennai

Well-known by the sobriquet 'Gateway to South India', booming Chennai is now worldwide famous for its fast expansion and growth, automobile exports, marine trades, tourism, and other industrial products. Therefore, this sixth most populous metropolis of the country is fully and exclusively eligible for receiving ours full gamut of legal services, including patent registration services in chennai. Our fast growing and progressing law firm of India is at present quite prominent in countries worldwide for its exquisite and punctilious legal services in all legal disciplines.

For patent registration in chennai, we cover all well-developed and fast developing economic fields, essentially including the fields of automobiles and automobile parts, computer hardware and software, information technology, industrial manufacturing, leathers, healthcare, consumer goods and products, agriculture and horticulture, etc. Based on the Coromandel coast, Chennai is highly preferred for convenient and economical marine exports and imports also. Today, one of the fastest growing cities of the world, Chennai is progressing rapidly in many other fields of the commercial, professional, and service sectors, for well-rounded economic development and prosperity. These all facts make Chennai, and popular and cherished place to build a business in.

Our services for patent registration in chennai are swiftly available for all product and process patents in all progressing economic fields of Chennai. These services are extended responsibly and punctually during the whole patent registration process in chennai, in all across the city. The most important services during this process are perfect and unique finalization of the newly created invention, making patent infringement analysis with the help of information gained from discerning patent searches in India and abroad, writing elegant and flawless patent specification, filing completed patent application with the relevant patent office in India or abroad, and giving efficient patent prosecution service to most secured registration. These all patent registrations for companies located in Chennai are registered and controlled by the following regional patent office, as per the rules and provisions given in the Patents Act of 1970 and the Patents Rules of 1972:

The Patent Office Branch, Chennai.
Intellectual Property Rights Building,
Industrial Estate Sidco RMD Godown Area,
G. S. T. Road, Guindy, Chennai – 600032 (India)
Telephone: 044-22322824-25.
Fax: 044-22322878.

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