Trademark Search

The elegant task conducted for checking originality and uniqueness of any newly created trademark or service mark in any interested occupational field, is called the trademark search. This trademark search goes through the databases kept secured in the desired trademark office in the native jurisdiction or any targeted international jurisdiction. The domestic or national trademark search is essential for registration with the federal trademark office, and international trademark search is requisite for international trademark registrations. For doing international or worldwide business, proper international trademark registration is strictly recommended. Thus, trademark search is an indispensable and important task in connection with trademark registration at national or international level or both. Ours internationally appreciated and reputed law firm well-based in India, offers superb and swift trademark search services in India and other countries worldwide, in addition to all other legal services to people and entities engaged in all economic fields. Today, ours reliable and scrupulous trademark search services are well-facilitated with online trademark search facilities. Our services for trademark searches including the trademark search online, are explained comprehensively in the section below.

Online Trademark Search Services

We have been extending laudable services for trademark search in countries worldwide at national and international levels. For trademark search ours well-informed and proficient trademark attorneys go the databases of both the previously registered trademarks and all filed trademark applications awaiting registration with the concerned trademark office in relevant domestic or international jurisdiction. Besides the national level trademark searches in individual countries worldwide, our international trademark searches related with the TRIPS Agreement, Berne and Paris Convention, Madrid Protocol, and the European Community Trademark. To serve a person or entity in any business or professional field in connection with trademark search, we go through the database of registered trademarks in the same field, and also through the database of all filed trademark applications related with the field of our client, in order to declare the trademark of our client uniquely different from the trademarks of other people and entities in the same occupational field. The trademarks and services marks in other fields can also be explored, to check originality and uniqueness of the proposed trademark or service mark of our clients, if need be. All other objects of intellectual property are served ingeniously and expertly by ours well-experienced and mellow intellectual property lawyers and attorneys in India and other countries situated worldwide.

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